OSHA Posters
Downloadable posters that provide safety guidance for employees in specific industries.
OSHA QuickCards®
QuickCards® are small, laminated cards that provide brief, plain language safety and health information for employees in a variety of industries (examples: Aerial Lifts, Farm Vehicles, Fall Protection)
Prompt Return to Work Information Sheet - Policyholder
Prompt Return to Work (PRTW) is a team approach to getting an injured worker back to work as soon as possible. The team consists of the worker’s employer or supervisor, vocational rehabilitation counselor, LUBA’s claims adjuster, injured worker and the assigned physician.
Prompt Return-to-Work Program Booklet
At LUBA Workers’ Comp, our intent in regard to Prompt Return to Work (PRTW) is to create a situation which benefits all parties involved. A PRTW Program is an effective tool in helping us create such a situation. This program is designed to help facilitate the return of an injured worker to the workplace.
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