LUBA Workers’ Comp Announces Expansion Into Texas

Baton Rouge, La. (July 30, 2015) – LUBA Workers’ Comp announced it is now offering coverage to businesses in Texas.

Based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, LUBA Workers’ Comp currently covers businesses in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas through select, independent insurance agencies. Similar to how the company was built and expanded in those states, LUBA Workers’ Comp plans to continue the same growth strategies in the Texas market.

“Steady, measured growth is important to us and diversifying geographically ensures long-term strength and stability for the businesses, agencies and communities we serve,” said Trent Bondy, Vice President and Sales Manager. “We look forward to building strong relationships with the good people of Texas.”

LUBA Workers’ Comp brings to Texas a complete claims department with a comprehensive loss control team ready to assist businesses in implementing safety standards and procedures. A relationship-driven mentality is the key reason LUBA Workers’ Comp has 9 out of 10 policyholders returning year after year. Furthermore, the level of service and stability is reflected in the company’s twelfth consecutive “A- Excellent” affirmation by A.M. Best, the world’s leading insurance rating service. The company has been designated “A- Excellent” with a stable outlook year after year since 2003.

About LUBA Workers’ Comp

Founded in 1991, LUBA Workers’ Comp is a casualty insurance company covering businesses in Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas, through select, independent insurance agencies. Specializing in workers’ comp for over two decades, LUBA Workers’ Comp strives to deliver Genuine Dependability with superior customer service and complete claims support. LUBA Workers’ Comp is rated “A- Excellent” by A.M. Best Co., the world’s leading insurance rating service, since 2003. Learn more about the LUBA difference by visiting